Friendship Seven, this is Indian Cap Com. Do you have any feelings from weightlessness? Over.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Negative, I feel fine so far. Over.


Roger, understand.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Turning suit water to increase position. I am still running steam temperature of about 60 [degrees.] Over.


Roger, understand.

John Glenn

I am now on suit temperature setting of 1.7. Over.


Roger, understand. What is your control mode? Over.

John Glenn

Control mode is ASCS automatic. Over.


Roger, understand.

John Glenn

Roger. The night side is light enough; I can even see the horizon okay out through the periscope. Over.

John Glenn

Friendship Seven, Roger.


Friendship Seven, this is Indiana CapCom. We now have IOS. Over.

John Glenn

Roger, understand IOS.


Your voice transmissions are starting to fade very badly. Over.

John Glenn

Roger. Friendship Seven.


… clear, IOS Cap Com. Out.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven, broadcasting in the blind. Wait a minute. Friendship Seven, broadcasting in the blind, making observations on night outside. There seems to be a high layer way up above the horizon; much higher than anything I saw on the daylight side. The stars seem to go through it and then go on down toward the real horizon. It would appear to be possibly some 7 or 8 degrees wide. I can see the clouds down below it; then a dark band, then a lighter band that the stars shine right through as they come down toward the horizon. I can identify Aries and Triangulum.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, Muchea Com Tech. We read you. Would you.

John Glenn

Hello, Muchea Com Tech. This is Friendship Seven, reading you loud and clear. How me?


Roger, Friendship Seven. Muchea Cap Com. How me? Over.

John Glenn

Roger. How are you doing Gordo? We're doing real fine up here. Everything is going very well. Over.


John, you sound good.

John Glenn

Roger. Control fuel is 90-100 [percent], oxygen is 75-100 [percent], amps are 22, all systems are still go. Having no problems at all. Control system operating fine. Over.


Roger. Do you have any star or weather or landmark observations as yet? Over.

John Glenn

Roger. I was just making some to the recorder. The only unusual thing I have noticed is a rather high, what would appear to be a haze layer up some 7 or 8 degrees above the horizon on the night side. The stars I can see through it as they go down toward the real horizon, but it is a very visible single band or layer pretty well up above the normal horizon. Over.


Roger, very interesting.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. I had a lot of cloud cover coming off of Africa. It has thinned out considerably now and although I can't definitely see the ocean, there is a lot of moonlight here that does reflect off what clouds there are. Over.


Roger. You had an excellent cutoff, John. Your velocity was 8 feet per second low. V over VR, 1.0002. Can you confirm your retrosequence 1 Easy, Foxtrot, and Hotel from Indian Ocean Ship? Over.

John Glenn

That is affirmative. I did.


Roger. Your yaw check over ATS was good. Your yaw when you were on fly-by-wire over IOS was excellent.


Are we clear to send you a Z and R Cal? Over.


Z Cal coming through now.


Roger. Shortly you may observe some lights down there. You want to take a check on that to your right? Over.

John Glenn

Roger. I'm all set to see if I can't get them in sight.


Roger. You do have your visor closed at this time. Over.

John Glenn

This is affirmative. I had it open for a little while; it's closed now. Cabin pressure is holding in good shape. Over.


Roger, Z Cal is off. R Cal is coming through now.

John Glenn


Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on Feb. 20, 1962, 3:39 p.m. UTC (63 years ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet


Any symptoms of vertigo or nausea at all? Over.

John Glenn

Negative, no symptoms whatsoever. I feel fine. Over.


Roger. Your 150 VA inverter is 180°. Looks like it's doing pretty well.

John Glenn

Roger. Looks like it is holding up fine.

John Glenn

That was sure a short day.