Phase 4: 3rd Orbit

Comm Tech

Canaveral Com Tech. How do you copy? Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Canaveral Com Tech. Friendship Seven. Loud and clear; how me?

Comm Tech

Roger, Friendship Seven. This is Canaveral Com Tech. Copy you loud and clear, also. Standby for Cap Com please.

John Glenn

Hello, Cap Com. Friendship Seven. Fuel is 62-60 [percent]; oxygen is 62-95 [percent]; amps 23. Over.


Friendship Seven, reading you loud and clear. I'll give you the 3 Bravo Time, 03 22 26. Over.

John Glenn

Roger, 03 22 26, for 3 Bravo. Is that affirm?


… 3 Charlie 03 40 18. Over.

John Glenn

Roger, 03 40 18 for 3 Charlie.


That is correct. At this time change your retro setting manually to 04 32 38. Over.

John Glenn

Roger, 04 plus 32 plus 38.

John Glenn

Roger, retrograde time is reset to 04 plus 32 plus 38. Over.


Roger, Seven. We recommend for the third orbit that you use gyros as you desire either normal or free so that in the event prior to retrofire on the third orbit that the scanners and ASCS do not program properly you may use your gyros in the free position for attitude reference. Over.

John Glenn

Roger. This is Friendship Seven. I have a fair, pretty good line-up now on the gyros, I believe. The check that I made on the night side was okay but they drifted off again, apparently rather rapidly in fact. I got another check on it and they seem to have corrected back pretty good now. I did not have to cage them again. Over.


Roger, Seven, we understand. The only problem is that you may not have enough light time prior yo retrofire.


Let the gyros work in the free position if you desire. Over.

John Glenn

Roger. Friendship Seven.


Also, Seven, we recommend that you allow the capsule to drift on manual control in order to conserve fuel. Over.

John Glenn

Roger. Friendship Seven.


Seven, this is Cape. Standby for Z Cal.


Friendship Seven, this Bermuda Cap Com. We read you loud and clear.

John Glenn

Roger, Bermuda. Hear you loud and clear also.


Seven, this is Cape. Over.


Correct your 3 Bravo time to 03 22 22. Over.


Well, Seven, I'm having trouble, the seconds should be 32. Over.

John Glenn

Hello Bermuda. Friendship Seven. It's over to you. Over.


Roger, Friendship Seven. We have nothing for you, you're in good shape.

John Glenn

Roger, this is Friendship Seven. I have the Cape in sight down there. It looks real fine from up here.


Yea, verily, Sonny.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven, Flor-, I can see the whole state of Florida just laid out like on a map. Beautiful.

John Glenn

Even from this position out here, I can still see clear back to the Mississippi Delta.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven, checking down in Area Hotel on the weather and it looks good down that way. Looks like we'll have no problem on recovery.


Very good. We'll see you in Grand Turk.

John Glenn

In fact, I can see clear down, see all the islands clear down that whole chain from up here, … I can see way beyond them and area Hotel looks excellent for recovery.

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Friendship Seven, Bermuda Cap Com.

John Glenn

Go ahead, Bermuda.


Cape recommends that you reenter on ASCS with manual for backup.

John Glenn

Roger, this is Friendship Seven. Understand recommend ASCS with manual backup.

John Glenn

This, this operation of ASCS has been very erratic. I have not been able to pin it down to any particular, one particular item. It went off one direction in yaw at one time; it went off the other the next time. I felt for a little while that pitch was drifting. It seemed to have a little stuck thrust in pitch at one time and I have to keep correcting that and that corrected itself and then I was off in roll just after I came off the dark side this time. Over.


Roger, understand. I have all that down. Could you give us a blood pressure please?


Friendship Seven, can you give me both your primary and secondary oxygen?

John Glenn

Roger, primary oxygen is 62 [percent], secondary is 94 [percent].

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. I'm letting it drift a little bit to the right here to look up north.


Friendship Seven, Bermuda Cap Com.

John Glenn

Go ahead Bermuda.


Your fans inverter temperature is 205 [degrees] and your ASCS temperature is 195 [degrees].

John Glenn

Roger, sounds real good, Gus, fine.


You're in good shape.


Friendship Seven, you want to go to HF now?

John Glenn

Roger, Friendship Seven. Going to HF.


Friendship Seven, Bermuda Cap Com. How do you read on HF?

John Glenn

Bermuda, Friendship Seven. Loud and clear; how me?


You're weak but readable, John.


Friendship Seven, Bermuda we have lost TM contact.

John Glenn

Roger, understand LOS.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. I've drifted around almost to the 180° point again.


Friendship Seven, Bermuda Cap Com. Are you still in contact?

John Glenn

Roger, this is Friendship Seven. I'm around at the 180 [degree] point. I'm facing the direction I'm traveling, Gus. Do you still receive? Over.


Friendship Seven, Bermuda Cap Com. We do not read you.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is CYI Com Tech, CYI Com Tech. Do you read? Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Canary Com Tech. On HF; how do you receive me? Loud and clear from you. Over.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, this is CYI Com Tech. Do you read? Over.

Comm Tech

Rog, Roger. Read you 5 by, read you 5 by, here in the Canaries. Over.

John Glenn

Roger, Friendship Seven. I read you loud and clear on HF, also.


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is Canary Cap Com. I read you loud and clear.

John Glenn

Roger, Canary. Loud and clear here also.


Would you give me a brief station report? Over.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Fuel is 62-54. [percent]. Oxygen is 62-94, [percent], amps 24. Over.


Understand that auto fuel is 63 [percent] and manual fuel is 94 [percent]. Over.

John Glenn

Negative. Manual fuel is 54 [percent], 54 [percent]. Over.


54 [percent]. Over.

John Glenn

Canary, did you get manual fuel at 54 [percent] fiver four? Over.


Roger. Manual fuel at 54 [percent].


Friendship Seven, this is Canary Cap Com. How do you feel?

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. I feel fine; no effects whatsoever, none.


Friendship Seven. Are you still seeing the particles around your capsule?

John Glenn

Negative. I don't seem to see them around here on this side. I saw a few, just a few just after I left Canaveral and turned around facing forward. They were coming toward me at that time. I was going, so I know that they were not coming from the capsule at all. I saw the particles in huge quantities at each sunrise so far. Over.


Say again, Friendship Seven.

John Glenn

The particles I saw were mainly at sunrise each time around. Over.


I understand. What control mode are you on?

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. I am in manual. Over.


Roger. Understand.


Friendship Seven, this is Canary Cap Com. The Aeromed wants to talk to you. Over.

John Glenn

Roger. Go ahead, Aeromed.

Flight Surgeon

This is Canary surgeon. Are you having any nausea, or have you experienced any nausea at all during the entire flight?

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Negative. I have felt perfectly normal during the whole flight. I feel fine. Over.

Flight Surgeon

Very good. Back to Cap Com.


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, do you want your inverter temperatures at this time?

John Glenn

Roger. This is Friendship Seven. Go ahead.


Roger. We're turning you over to Canary Systems.


Friendship Seven, this is Canary Systems. How do you read?

John Glenn

Go ahead, Canary Systems, go ahead.


The systems on the ground look fairly normal at this time. The temperatures are a little bit on the high side but there's nothing critical showing up. The latest reports show that the inverters are about 200 [degrees] and 210 [degrees]; this does not seem to be critical. They should be holding all this level. Do you understand?

John Glenn

Roger. Friendship Seven.


All other systems are as you reported to me.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is Atlantic Ship Cap, Com Tech. How do you read? Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Atlantic Cap Com. Read you loud and clear. How me? Over.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is Atlantic Ship Com Tech. We read you weak but broken, weak but broken.

John Glenn

Roger. Friendship Seven. Fuel 64-54 [percent], oxygen 62-94 [percent], amps 23. Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Atlantic Ship: Atlantic Cap Com. Friendship Seven, do you receive? Over.


Friendship Seven, this is ATS Cap Com. How do you read me? Over. And what mode are you on for communications? Over.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. I'm on HF at present time, on HF. I'll shift to UHF— is, if you're in solid contact. Over.


Roger, Friendship Seven. We have TM contact, we have TM contact. Switch to UHF please.

John Glenn

Roger, switching to UHF.

John Glenn

Atlantic Ship, this is Friendship Seven. Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Atlantic Ship. Friendship Seven. Over.


Friendship Seven, this is ATS Cap Com. Read only the last part of your transmission. Say again, please.

John Glenn

Atlantic Ship, This is Friendship Seven. Wish you would pass to Cape. I let the capsule drift around to the 180° position and I am having to reorient at present time. When Iain all lined with the horizon and the periscope, my attitude indications now are way off. My roll indicates 30° right; my yaw indicates 35 [degrees] right; and pitch indicates plus 40 [degrees]; I repeat plus 40 [degrees] when I am in orbit attitude. Over.


Roger, Friendship Seven. I read you a little broken. You have discrepancies in attitudes of 30° right in roll, 35 [degrees] right in yaw and plus 40 [degrees] in pitch. Confirm, please. Over.

John Glenn

That is affirmative. I am realigning the capsule at present time and wilt cage and uncage the gyros before I go on the dark side. Over.


Roger. We will standby.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven, ATS. Do you receive?


Roger, Friendship Seven. Reading you loud and clear. Over.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven, in orbit attitude present time, caging gyros.

John Glenn

Gyros to cage, ready now.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Gyros are back on normal, going back to orbit attitude and will try ASCS. Over.


Roger. Standing by.

John Glenn

Friendship Seven. Going to ASCS. Ready-now.


Friendship Seven, this is ATS Cap Com. Do you read me? Over.


Friendship Seven, you are getting weak, you are getting weak. Over.

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Spoken on Feb. 20, 1962, 6 p.m. UTC (62 years, 7 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Did not read you, ATS.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, this is Zanzibar Com Tech, transmitting on HF UHF.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is Zanzibar Com Tech, transmitting on HF UHF. Do you read? Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Zanzibar Com Tech. Zanzibar Com Tech, Friendship Seven. Receive you weak but readable. How me? Over.

Comm Tech

Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is Zanzibar Com Tech transmitting HF UHF. You're weak and garbled, weak and garbled. Do not copy. Over.

John Glenn

Roger. Friendship Seven. I receive you rather garbled, also. My condition is good. Fuel 5, correction, fuel 64-48 [percent]; oxygen 52-92 [percent]. Over.


(ATS) Friendship Seven, this is ATS Cap Com. I'm reading you very clear, very clear. Could you give me the reason for the errors in your attitudes, please?