- John Glenn
Roger. The capsule is turning around and I can see the booster during turnaround just a couple of hundred yards behind me. It was beautiful.
- John Glenn
This is Friendship Seven. Can see clear back; a big cloud pattern way back across towards the Cape. Beautiful sight.
- John Glenn
Roger. Understand next transmission, Bermuda. Capsule did damp okay and turned around. Scope has extended, okay. Taking off the filter I had on it before launch.
- John Glenn
Roger. Landing Bag was already off. I got it first and reported it. Retromanual is off, and we're all set. This is very comfortable at Zero-g. I have nothing but very fine feeling. It just feels very normal and very good.
Roger. 1B, 00 17 50.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close - John Glenn
Roger. 1 Bravo is 00 plus 17 plus 50.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close - CAPCOM
Negative, don't reset the clock. Your V over VR is unity, your apogee altitude is 138 [nautical miles] and are you starting your control systems check?
- John Glenn
Roger. As soon as we get done with this transmission. I understand am I cleared to control systems check.
- John Glenn
Not yet, everything appears to be going okay. Am now on the yaw part of the check. Going off right on schedule.
- John Glenn
Roger, Bermuda, still read you loud and clear. Still completing control check. Having no problem at all so far.
- John Glenn
This is Friendship Seven. Working just like clockwork on the control check, and it went through just about like the Procedures Trainer runs. It's very smooth and I checked. …
- John Glenn
Hello, Bermuda, Hello, Bermuda CapCom. Friendship Seven reads you loud and clear. Hello, Bermuda, Friendship Seven. How me?
Spoken on Feb. 20, 1962, 2:54 p.m. UTC (62 years, 11 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet