Phase 2: 1st Orbit

John Glenn

SECO, posigrades fired okay.


Roger, stand. …

John Glenn

Roger. Zero-g and I feel fine. Capsule is turning around.

John Glenn

Oh, that view is tremendous


Roger. Turnaround has started.

John Glenn

Roger. The capsule is turning around and I can see the booster during turnaround just a couple of hundred yards behind me. It was beautiful.


Roger, Seven. You have a go, at least 7 orbits.

John Glenn

Roger. Understand Go for at least 7 orbits.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Can see clear back; a big cloud pattern way back across towards the Cape. Beautiful sight.


Roger, still reading you loud and clear. Next transmission, Bermuda.

John Glenn

Roger. Understand next transmission, Bermuda. Capsule did damp okay and turned around. Scope has extended, okay. Taking off the filter I had on it before launch.

John Glenn

Making electrical check.

John Glenn

All batteries 25 or above, on main. Going through orbit checklist.


Roger, Friendship Seven. Orbit checklist.

John Glenn

Landing Bag is off. Emergency Retrosequence, off. Emergency Drogue Deploy is off.


Emergency Landing Bag is next.

John Glenn

Roger. Landing Bag was already off. I got it first and reported it. Retromanual is off, and we're all set. This is very comfortable at Zero-g. I have nothing but very fine feeling. It just feels very normal and very good.


Friendship Seven. Standby for retrosequence times.

John Glenn

Roger. Ready to copy.


Roger. 1B, 00 17 50.

John Glenn

Roger. 1 Bravo is 00 plus 17 plus 50.

John Glenn

Roger, 01 plus 28 plus 54.


Roger, end of mission is 04 32 47.

John Glenn

Roger. 04 plus 32 plus 47. Do I have okay for resetting clock? Over.


Negative, don't reset the clock. Your V over VR is unity, your apogee altitude is 138 [nautical miles] and are you starting your control systems check?

John Glenn

Roger. As soon as we get done with this transmission. I understand am I cleared to control systems check.

John Glenn

Roger. Starting controls check.

John Glenn

Starting controls check.


Your attitudes look okay here.


Friendship Seven. Anything to report on control systems checks.

John Glenn

Not yet, everything appears to be going okay. Am now on the yaw part of the check. Going off right on schedule.


Very good, very good.

John Glenn

Control so far is excellent. Very good, no problems at all so far on control.

John Glenn

Aux Damp pulls it right in every time. No problems.


Friendship Seven, Bermuda. Do you still read?

John Glenn

Roger, Bermuda, still read you loud and clear. Still completing control check. Having no problem at all so far.


Roger, you're still loud and clear.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Working just like clockwork on the control check, and it went through just about like the Procedures Trainer runs. It's very smooth and I checked. …


On UHF, if you read, go to HF.


Friendship Seven, Bermuda CapCom on HF.

John Glenn

Hello, Hello, Bermuda. Receive you loud and clear; how me?


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, Bermuda CapCom on HF.

John Glenn

Hello, Bermuda, Hello, Bermuda CapCom. Friendship Seven reads you loud and clear. Hello, Bermuda, Friendship Seven. How me?


Friendship Seven, this Bermuda CapCom on HF.

John Glenn

Hello, Bermuda CapCom, this is Friendship Seven. Read you loud and clear; how me?

John Glenn

Hello, Canary, Friendship Seven. Over.


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is Canary CapCom. Read you loud and clear. Over.

John Glenn

Canary, Friendship Seven. Roger. Control check complete. Capsule in ASCS and holding. I have booster in sight out the window. It's probably about 1 mile away and going down under my position and a little bit to my left. Over.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Everything is still Go. Capsule is in fine shape. Holding pressure at 5.8. Over.


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, this is Canary Cap Com. Do you read? Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Canary Cap Com, loud and clear on HF. How me? Over.


I read you loud and clear. Would you give me your fuel on your control systems check.

John Glenn

Roger. This is Friendship Seven. Control systems cheek was perfect. Control systems checks perfect, Over.


Roger, Friendship Seven, understand control systems check was perfect.

John Glenn

That's affirmative.


Friendship Seven, this Canary Cap Com. Could you get started with your station report? Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Canary, Friend Seven. Repeat please. Over.


What is your space, spacecraft station, status report?

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Standby. I'm getting out some equipment. Over.

John Glenn

Hello, Canary, Friendship Seven, switching to UHF. Over.


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, Canary Cap Com. Say, again.


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven, Canary Cap Com. Read you.

John Glenn

Hello, Canary, Friendship Seven on UHF. How now? Over.


I read you loud and clear.

John Glenn

Roger, understand loud and clear. I read you much better also, than I did on HF. Over.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven, Everything is going fine.

John Glenn

Getting, getting some of the equipment together. Over.


Friendship Seven, Friendship Seven. What is your spacecraft status report? Over.

John Glenn

Roger. Standby, Will give status report. I am in orbit attitude for your tracking. Status report, follows: Fuses all number one except Tower Sep number two. Emergency Retrosequence, Emergency Retrojettison, and Emergency Drogue are in the center-off position, Squib is Armed. Auto Retrojettison is off. ASCS is normal, auto, gyro normal. All “T” handles are in the “in”-position. Retro Delay is normal. Cabin Lights are on both. Photo Lights are still on. Telemetry Low Frequency is on. Rescue Aids are on automatic. Ah, Jettison Tower, and Sep Capsule lights are out. The pressure regulator is still in the “in”-position. Launch control is on. All sequence panel positions are normal except Landing Bag is off. Are you receiving? Over.


Understand. We have telemetry solid.

John Glenn

Roger, you have telemetry solid

John Glenn

Control fuel is 90-98 [percent], I repeat, 90-98 [percent].


Automatic fuel is 90 [percent], 98 [percent].

John Glenn

That is affirmative. Attitude: roll 0 [degrees], yaw 2 [degrees] right, pitch —33 [degrees]. Rates are all indicating zero. I am on ASCS at present time. The clock is still set for time to ret, for retrograde time of 04 plus 32 plus 28. I have retrograde times okay from Bermuda. Cabin pressure holding steady at 5.7. Cabin air 90 [degrees]. Relative humidity, 30 [percent]. Coolant quantity is 68 [percent]. Suit environment is 65. Suit pressure is indicating 5.8. Steam temperature 60 [degrees] on the suit. I am very comfortable. However, I do not want to turn it down just yet. Primary oxygen is 78 [percent]; secondary, 102 [percent]. Main bus is 24. Number one is 25, 25, 25. Standby one is 26; Standby two is 25; Isolated, 29, and back on main. Ammeter is indicating 23. ASCS is 112. Fans are 112. Over.


I understand, I understand your retrosequence time is 04 32 28. Over.

John Glenn

That is affirmative. That's what's set in the clock. The horizon is a brilliant, a brilliant blue. There, I have the mainland in sight at present time coming tip on the scope, and have Canaries in sight out through the window and picked them up on the scope just before I saw them out of the window. Over.


Roger, Friendship Seven. This is Canary CapCom. Repeat blood pressure check, repeat blood pressure check.

John Glenn

Roger, repeating blood pressure check now. Starting, pumping up.

John Glenn

This is Friendship Seven. Have beautiful view of the African Coast, both in the scope, and out the window. Out the window is by far the best view.

John Glenn

Part of the Canaries was hidden by clouds.


Roger, I read you. We're getting the blood pressure now.

John Glenn

Roger, Friendship Seven.


Friendship Seven this is Canary CapCom. Your, your medical status is green; it looks okay.

John Glenn

Roger. This is Friendship Seven. What is blood pressure? Over.


Friendship Seven. Your blood pressure is 120 over 80, repeat 120 over 80.


Friendship Seven, this is Canary CapCom. Your 150 volt-amp inverter is 175°, and holding.

John Glenn

Roger. Friendship Seven.


Your 250 volt-amp inverter temperature is 150 [degrees], and holding.

John Glenn

Friendship Seven. Roger.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on Feb. 20, 1962, 2:57 p.m. UTC (62 years, 8 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet


Your auto fuel line temperature is 70°, your manual fuel line temperature is 100°.

John Glenn

Say again fuel temperatures. Over.